St. Vidicon's Bookshop
The Religious Shelf
John Shelby Spong
Retired Episcopal Bishop of Newark in New Jersey
Burton L. Mack
Matthew Fox
- Original Blessing A Primer in Creation Spirituality
- Creation Spirituality Liberating Gifts for the Peoples of the Earth
- The Coming of the Cosmic Christ The Healing of Mother Earth and the Birth of a Global Renaissance
- Confessions The Making of a Post-Denominational Priest
- One River, Many Wells Wisdom Springing from Global Faiths
- The Physics of Angels : Exploring the Realm Where Science and Spirit Meet with Rupert Sheldrake (Contributor)
- Coming Out Spiritually : The Next Step - Christian De La Huerta, Matthew Fox
- Passion for Creation: The Earth-honoring Spirituality of Meister Eckhart - Eckhart, Matthew Fox
- Prayers of the Cosmos : Meditations on the Aramaic Words of Jesus - Neil Douglas-Klotz (Translator), Matthew Fox
- The Reinvention of Work : A New Vision of Livelihood for Our Time
- Hildegard Von Bingen's Mystical Visions : Translated from Scivias - Hildegard Von Bingen, Bruce Hozeski (Translator), Matthew Fox (Introduction)
- Natural Grace : Dialogues on Creation, Darkness, and the Soul in Spirituality and Science - Matthew Fox, Rupert Sheldrake (Contributor)
- A Spirituality Named Compassion: Uniting Mystical Awareness with Social Justice
- Sins of the Spirit, Blessings of the Flesh : Lessons for Transforming Evil in Soul and Society
- Meditations With Meister Eckhart with Candy Tucci (Illustrator)
- Whee! We, Wee All the Way Home : A Guide to a Sensual Prophetic Spirituality
Other Authors
- Living the Word : Reflections on the Gospels of the Three-Year Cycle - Tom Clancy
- Preaching the Word : Reflections on the Gospels of the Three-Year Cycle - Tom Clancy
- The Catholic Imagination - Andrew Greeley
- The Catholic Myth : The Behavior and Beliefs of American Catholics - Andrew M. Greeley
- Virtues and Vices : Stories of the Moral Life - Andrew M. Greeley, Jacob Neusner, Mary Greeley Durkin
- Afterimage : The Indelible Catholic Imagination of Six American Filmmakers - Richard Aloysius Blake
- Signatures of Grace : Catholic Writers on the Sacraments edited - Thomas Grady & Paula Huston
- Common Ground : A Priest and a Rabbi Read Scripture Together - Andrew M. Greeley, Jacob Neusner (Contributor), Martin E. Marty
- Virtues and Vices : Stories of the Moral Life - Andrew M. Greeley, Jacob Neusner, Mary Greeley Durkin
- An Epidemic of Joy: Stories in the Spirit of Jesus - Andrew M. Greeley, Mary Greeley Durkin, John Shea
- The Essential Catholic Handbook : A Summary of Beliefs, Practices, and Prayers - John O'Connor
- Catholic Customs and Traditions : A Popular Guide - Greg Dues
- Religion As Poetry - Andrew M. Greeley
Restoring the Feminine and other Voices
Alternative Voices
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